How to encrypt your data when connecting to the internet?

Your data is exposed to the ISP and even some bad guys (maybe a hacker) when connecting to the internet, which will put you at risk, and we have to encrypt the data to prevent our personal informatino from leaking to the bad guys, but how? Following are several ways to encrypt your data when you are connecting to the internet.

Use HTTPS anytime you can

HTTPS is popular in recent years, and the difference between HTTPS and HTTP is the “S”, AKA “Secure”, but whyt? HTTPS will be more secure due to the SSL(Secure Sockets Layer). The SSL will encrypt your data while you are browing a website, and you will be in a safer environment with HTTPS.

Use DNS over HTTPS

DNS (Domain Name System) which will translate the IP address into a website name and vice versa. In other words, if you want to connect to a website by the website name, your browser will send a DNS query instead of the website name to the ISP’s DNS server, and to retrieve the site’s IP address.

However, DNS does not mean absolutely safe, DNS queries are not usually encrypted, which will put you at risk again.

Use a VPN

By far now, a VPN (Virtual Private Network) is the best way to encrypt your data when connecting to the internet. You can fullly encrypt your data with even one click/tap, a reliable VPN, such as TikVPN, will hide your IP address and encrypt all the data when you are connecting to the internet.

There are many kinds of VPNs on the internet, and it’s not easy to find a reliable one, and click here to make clear “How to find a reliable VPN”.