How to protect your privacy when using Instagram

Instagram is a great way to share photos with friends, family and the rest of the world, but it can also expose you to the risks of privacy and security. It's easy to protect yourself, and you can still take advantage of Instagram's capabilities.

Here are five ways to keep your account secure. For web and mobile applications, there are separate instructions and different representations for IOS and Android applications.

Make your account private

Take simple privacy measures by turning your public account into a private account. This way, you can share your photos with a selected group of people while keeping them invisible to others. In this way, only those you really care about will know about your activities.

Block specific followers

If one of your followers becomes annoying or worse, you can also prevent specific followers from viewing your posts. (don't worry: Instagram won't notify followers that you've blocked them)

Open two-factor validation

Worried that someone might log into your instagram account and impersonate you? Enable dual authentication, which sends you a text message with a verification code every time you log in to instagram on a new device. You must then enter the code to complete the login.

Prevent third party apps from getting your data

There are a large number of third-party applications that require you to access your instagram data, such as an application that arranges instagram posts for you. Therefore, before agreeing to let a person access your data, consider that the more companies have private information about you, the more likely it is that the information will be misused or stolen. More importantly: make sure instagram is only granted access to applications that really need it.

Check if someone has hacked your account

Worried about someone hacking into your instagram account? You can check by looking at past account activity, including login, logout, password change, etc.

Use a VPN

If you want to protect your privacy on Instagram in most time, you can use a VPN to access to Instagram even though you do not have to. A VPN will encrypt your personal information and will prevent your personal information from tracking by hackers. TikVPN could entirely meet your demands when you surf the Internet, and plays a crucial role in protecting your personal information from hackers, encrypting your online data, protecting yourself when using PUBLIC Wi-Fi, and stopping some applications from tracking you. If you are interested in it, then download it and try its abundant functions providing with you.